The standard Wine Bottle Washer
Rack has (16) compartments, holding
up to 4-1/2" diameter bottles; and a
non-standard (9) compartment rack,
accommodates up to 6" diameter
bottles. The rack height is determined
by the size of the bottle.
CMA Hi-Temp Sanitizing Wine Bottle Washer Rack
is great for washing and sanitizing all shapes and
sizes of bottles. This concept is ideal for “Wine
Bottles”. The racks are fitted with a spray manifold
system that places a strategically positioned spray
jet inside the neck of each bottle. This Wine Bottle
Rack is designed for CMA’s 180UC Hi-temp
Undercounter Dishmachines.
The Wine Bottle Washer Rack
comes with wash and rinse
adapters that replace the
wash/rinse arms. The adapters
are fitted with hoses that
quickly connect and disconnect
to the side of the Wine Bottle
Washer Rack for easy and fast
removal of the rack.